8 Benefits to Prove Real Estate Drone Photography Helps Maximize Sales

How Real Estate Drone Photography Boosts Home Sales

Are you looking to elevate your real estate marketing game and boost property sales with drone photography? Let’s dive into the world of drone photography, your secret weapon in captivating potential buyers and selling properties faster than ever before.

In today's competitive real estate market, visual content reigns supreme, and drone photography offers a unique advantage by providing stunning aerial views that showcase properties in a whole new light.

Imagine offering prospective buyers a bird's-eye view of the properties you're selling, highlighting every angle and feature with breathtaking clarity.

Drone photography goes beyond traditional real estate images, capturing the essence and grandeur of a property like never before. This immersive visual experience not only attracts increased buyer interest but also sets your listings apart from the competition.

Real estate drone photography statistics that highlight the impact on home sales 

  • According to MLS, properties with aerial photos sell 68% faster than those with standard images alone, underscoring the significant advantage aerial imagery brings to the real estate market. (Source: NAR)

  • In 2024, 35% of realtors use drones to market listings, indicating a strong adoption rate among professionals who recognize the value of drone photography. (Source: NAR 2024 Technology Report)

  • In the same report, 22% of realtors indicated that they were very likely to seek advice or training on how to use drones, indicating an uptick in interest surrounding drones as emerging technology in real estate (Source: NAR 2024 Technology Report)

This is where the horizon of marketing innovation introduces a game-changer: drone photography.

VHT Studios, through a robust network of professional drone photographers has witnessed first-hand the dramatic impact that aerial imagery can bring to real estate listings. Combined with Matterport’s digital twin technology, drone photography can give listing agents and home sellers best-in-class real estate marketing assets to make listings stand out

8 benefits of real estate drone photography

1. Aerial views of the property provide context & enhance visibility

Drones revolutionize real estate marketing by enhancing property visibility through dynamic aerial shots and detailed feature highlighting. Imagine capturing a property's true essence from a bird's eye view and showcasing its unique elements in a way that traditional photography simply can't match.

Drones can effortlessly navigate above and around the property, revealing its full potential and setting it apart in a competitive market. Utilizing aerial photography, real estate agents can showcase expansive grounds, intricate landscaping designs, and proximity to attractive neighborhood amenities like parks or waterfronts.

These captivating visuals give buyers a complete understanding of the property's spatial layout and its relation to the surrounding environment, creating a deeper connection and interest in the listing.

2. Showcasing unique property features and amenities 

Using drones, you can highlight specific property features and amenities that might be challenging to capture with traditional photography. Drone photography also helps to emphasize unique architectural elements or property layouts that can only be appreciated from an aerial perspective. 

Whether it's a luxurious pool area, a meticulously landscaped garden, or an outdoor entertainment area, you can capture sweeping shots that convey the scale of the property. Another benefit of this is showing the proximity to nearby amenities such as parks, lakes, or golf courses, giving potential buyers a clear sense of the lifestyle the property offers. 

Drones provide a fresh perspective that elevates the appeal of these features, emphasizing their beauty and functionality. Buyers are drawn to listings that offer such visual richness, increasing the chances of a successful sale.

3. Capturing the architect’s vision 

Drone photography offers a unique way to present a home that aligns with the architect's original vision, which can be a huge selling point, especially for luxury real estate

Positioning the drone at the mid-point height of the home can capture elevation shots that closely reflect the architect’s intent. This approach provides a balanced view that highlights the architectural design and symmetry of the home, showcases the property as the architect envisioned, and gives potential buyers an authentic perspective of the property. 

A listing that emphasizes architectural design elements from an aerial view can gain a competitive edge in the market as it highlights features that might be overlooked in ground-level shots, such as rooflines, angles, and spatial relationships.

4. Demonstrating professionalism, market expertise and innovation

By leveraging drone photography and digital twins, you position yourself as an innovative and tech-savvy real estate agent. This not only helps attract sellers looking for innovative marketing solutions but also in building trust with potential buyers. 

Drone photography showcases listings that are complete with high-quality, professional drone media, differentiating yourself from competitors who aren't using drone photography as part of a broader real estate marketing strategy. This content can also be repurposed into multiple other media formats to be distributed across marketing channels such as social media, website listings, and virtual open houses.

Highlight your commitment using the latest technology to provide the best possible service, enhancing your reputation and credibility in the market.

5. Creating a narrative about the property to engage buyers emotionally 

Connecting with potential buyers on an emotional level can make all the difference in sealing the deal. Drone photography offers a unique avenue to evoke feelings and captivate buyers through immersive visuals. Let's delve into how drone photography helps real estate agents engage buyers on an emotional level. 

Drone photography serves as a powerful tool in crafting a captivating narrative around a property. By showcasing stunning aerial views and highlighting the property's most appealing features, real estate agents can create a visual story that resonates with potential buyers.

Each aerial shot can paint a picture of the property's surroundings, from lush landscapes to architectural details, stirring emotions and sparking curiosity in viewers.

Through drone photography, real estate agents can go beyond mere visuals and offer a compelling storytelling experience. By taking potential buyers on a virtual journey through the property and its surroundings, a story unfolds that ignites imagination and creates a sense of attachment.

This emotional connection plays a crucial role in enticing buyers and establishing a lasting impression that sets the property apart in their minds.

6. Improving the user experience for home buyers

One of the key advantages of utilizing drones in real estate is the ability to enhance the experience for prospective buyers by giving them different virtual viewing perspectives. 

Drone technology enables high-quality aerial footage that allows viewers to virtually explore the property from different angles and heights. This immersive experience gives buyers a sense of actually being present at the property, fostering a deeper connection and emotional engagement.

By offering drone photography and digital twins, real estate agents can cater to the modern buyer's preferences for convenience and efficiency. Prospective buyers can seamlessly navigate through the property, inspecting its features and surroundings in detail without physically visiting the site.

This enhanced user experience not only saves time but contributes to building an emotional impact, as viewers can envision themselves living in the space and forming an emotional bond with the property.

7. Differentiating in the market 

By offering drone photography services, real estate agents set themselves apart in a sea of traditional marketing materials and strategies. The unique perspective captured by aerial shots showcases properties in a way that attracts sellers looking for advanced and modern marketing techniques.

Real estate’s visual appeal plays a crucial role in capturing potential buyers' attention, and drone photography creates a wow factor that helps agents make a lasting impression.

8. Quick sales at higher values

The use of drone photography in real estate listings has shown a direct correlation to quicker sales, increased property values, and higher agent commissions.

Properties marketed with captivating aerial footage tend to attract more interested buyers, leading to faster sales cycles. The stunning imagery not only sparks interest but also conveys a sense of luxury and exclusivity, ultimately resulting in higher perceived property values.

As a result, agents who leverage drone photography often experience not only quicker sales but also higher selling prices, maximizing their earning potential.

VHT Studios & Matterport

Since 1998, VHT has cultivated a network of experienced real estate photographers and best-in-class photo editors, capturing more than 16 million rooms and contributing to sales exceeding $400 billion.

The partnership between VHT and Matterport offers a true all-in-one real estate marketing solution. Join the ranks of successful agents who are not just listing properties, but selling homes faster.


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