If you use Autodesk BIM 360, you need to add the Matterport Partner Card. Today.

Make faster, more informed decisions with dimensionally-accurate 3D walkthroughs of project sites - right from your Project Home dashboard

Imagine being able to access up-to-date 3D walkthroughs of project sites directly from your Autodesk BIM 360 Project Home dashboard? Now you can by simply adding the Matterport Partner Card. Now, owners, designers, project managers, and subcontractors can get current and dimensionally-accurate 3D views of project progression in BIM 360 to make more informed decisions throughout the life cycle of a project. Being able to access a digital twin of any site takes efficiency, collaboration and communication to a new level. This integration empowers everyone to reduce risk, improve quality and deliver projects on time.

AutoDesk BIM 3460 - Adding Card

Another big plus? Use Matterport deep links to point BIM collaborators or viewers to a precise location within the digital twin. Eliminate confusion and speed up decision making by visually explaining details in Request for Information (RFI) documentation.  

Autodesk BIM 360 - RFI and Deep Links

Matterport customers are already part of the Autodesk family, capturing spatial data for properties quickly and accurately. Per Autodesk’s recommendations, users export Matterport’s 3D data, the MatterPak, into Recap and then into any Autodesk program like Revit or AutoCAD. This allows designers and architects to quickly capture as-built conditions using the Matterport platform and Autodesk to manipulate and create designs easily.

As our partnership continues to grow, you will see us release a suite of integrations across the Autodesk Construction Cloud.

Add the Matterport Partner Card today.


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