Chicago Water & Fire Restoration Streamline Loss Documentation with Matterport 3D

About Chicago Water & Fire (W&F):

Chicago W&F Restoration specializes in providing prompt property damage repair for both residential & commercial customers in Chicago and vicinity, serving over 4000 customers per year and growing! Originally implementing Matterport to create operational cost savings, Chicago W&F quickly realized Matterportโ€™s greatest value came in the form of providing outstanding customer service that set them apart from the competition.

The Challenge:

Streamline complete and comprehensive documentation for all claims. Create a collaborative environment that reduces disputes while growing the business through process efficiencies and a priority on customer experience. Like many restoration businesses, Chicago W&F was limited by traditional documentation processes and the ability to fully communicate field conditions. Pictures from field operators could be low quality, incomplete or even non-existent. This not only caused issues internally but also caused frustration among the insurance adjusters Chicago W&F were working with on claims. The need to frequently visit and revisit sites to validate a loss would lead to revoked line items, a damaged reputation with carriers and a negatively impacted bottom line.

The Solution:

Chicago W&F implemented the Matterport solution to capture complete 3D documentation of each project. Matterport 3D reality capture improved collaboration, accountability, customer service, quality assurance and fairness to all stakeholders throughout the loss mitigation and reconstruction process.

The Results:

  • Increased revenue by 5-7 percent

    Chicago W&F relies primarily on word of mouth for growing its business, so customer satisfaction is critical to their success. Reducing downtime for clients through streamlined documentation with Matterport 3D models on every project has resulted in excellent customer reviews and sales are on the rise.

  • Decreased number of breakage claims

    While restoration companies sometimes accidentally damage contents while mitigating a loss, often policyholders make false claims regarding damage that existed prior to mitigation activities. By scanning at the onset of a claim, these claims are easily refuted by project managers on site. Not only does this result in increased revenue, it primarily eliminates disputes with policyholders and, in turn, raises customer satisfaction.

  • Increased workflow capacity 10% during a catastrophic event

    During CAT events, it is not about how many jobs won, itโ€™s about how many jobs can be done at capacity. The ability to scale during these times creates a large opportunity to increase business and service large number of clients in need. During the recent Polar Vortex that swept the midwest, Chicago W&F has had the ability to take on 10% more business with Matterport.

  • 99% accuracy allows for remote estimating and increased workmanship

    With Matterport, estimators and company management can estimate and conduct quality assurance remotely, without driving in heavy Chicago traffic, getting more work done in less time. This capability not only increases the accuracy of the scope, as more experienced eyes can now view the scope and loss side by side from the office, but also increases the quality of the mitigation and repair work, because the field team knows that their work is reviewed by management.

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