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Matterport Marketing Cloud

고해상도 사진, 3D 투어, 평면도, 동영상, 구매자 인사이트 등을 확보하세요.

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The ultimate property marketing hub with innovative packages starting at $219.

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Digital Pro - One Powerful Package - image

Digital Pro—하나의 강력한 패키지입니다.

고해상도 사진, 평면도, 동영상, 3D 투어 등 기존에 여러 공급업체에 비용을 지불했던 모든 것을 하나의 패키지로 이용할 수 있습니다. 그리고 이 모든 것이 단 219달러부터 시작하는 획기적인 저렴한 가격으로 제공됩니다.
All-in-one powerhouse - image

Your all-in-one powerhouse for managing every marketing asset.

Keep every asset from every listing organized, up-to-date, and instantly accessible. Import directly into the MLS. Share with clients with a click. Or get a quick “listing on a page” overview. Easy.
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Supercharge your marketing with buyer analytics and insights.

What’s working? What’s not? In real estate, guessing isn’t good enough. Matterport Marketing Cloud delivers accurate analytics of all your media and its performance so you can make it work harder to reach more buyers.