12 Tips for Gaining Client Attention with Google Ads

Google Ads is a proven marketing tool. Real Estate agents are using its reach to bring in quality leads that have the potential to become customers. Understanding how to customize this highly targeted advertising approach is key. Use the 12 best tips fro

Google Ads is a proven marketing tool. Real Estate agents are using its reach to bring in quality leads that have the potential to become customers. Understanding how to customize this highly targeted advertising approach is key. Use the 12 best tips from Matterport to get the most out of Google ads.

1. Get started with Google Ads: Patience is a virtue and consistency is king. Google ads work best when there's long-term planning, campaign strategy, and consistent metrics. It will take time and adjustments to see the results. It's a long process, but one that will yield positive results. 

2. Set specific goals: Identify gaps in your business. Do you want people to ask for more estimates? Are you in the process of recruiting real estate agents? Be really precise and target accordingly.

3. Choose keywords carefully: Your ads must use accurate and relevant keywords, including long tail (less frequently searched) keywords. Ben Sellers, of the digital marketing agency Starberry ,  explains that his real estate customers are successful when using long-tail phrases: 

Although searches are less frequent because the sentences are very specific, the clickthrough rate can to be considerably higher."  - Ben Sellers, Starberry

Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, and TermExplorer will help you identify keywords, trends, and long-term searches that are specific to real estate.

4. Avoid negative keywords: Regularly review and edit your Google ads to eliminate anything that does not produce quality results. For example, using only the keyword "house" will not bring you the desired rendering and you will also find yourself in the search for doll houses or dog kennels!

5. Continually Test Different Content: Monitor conversion rates and let them influence your content. Ben Sellers notes that one can increase click rates by 400% by changing a sentence or just a few words.

6. Identify ads that outperform others: Use competitive search tools to see what works for ranked agents and why. SpyFu  and SEMRush  are recommended. Check out what's good and optimize your content based on the results.

7. Use GEO targeting: Localization is at the center of real estate and concerns the neighborhoods where goods are located and even specific postal codes. GEO targeting allows you to target specific areas based on your local knowledge.

8. Create landing pages…: When someone clicks on your ad, make sure it's directed to a dedicated landing page, not your home page. This ensures the accuracy of your google ad statistics.

9. ... And Make them Appealing: Your landing page must match your Google ad and must offer something to the user. An instant estimate or a free online demo for example. Transmit a single message and add an apparent call-to-action.

10. Know Metric Acronyms: Understanding the difference between CPM (Cost Per Mile), CTR (clickthrough rate), and CPA (Cost Per Action) is critical for ROI (Return on Investment). Luckily, if this is not the case, you can take some time to read the Google Analytics guide and start learning.

11. Find out when it works: Do not be afraid to run a Google Ad campaign just for tracking purposes. Part of your metrics analysis should be based on the date and time because some ads work better at night or on weekends. Test to find out what works best.

12. Sign up on a customer review site: "Once you've received about 30, 5-star reviews on a site such as Yelp, your stars will then appear in your Google ads, which will increase the click-through rate by 20. at 25%," says Sellers. There are many customer reviews sites, such as Trustpilot, that help you build your reputation on the Internet.

Contact Matterport to find out how our virtual procedures can become part of your Google campaigns; the latter significantly contributing to improving customer engagement and ranking of search engine results.

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