Introducing Property Intelligence, a Powerful New AI Capability to Analyze Any Property or Portfolio For Valuable Business Insights

Accelerate your business with Property Intelligence—tailored insights exclusively from Matterport.

Matterport’s Digital Twin platform now offers Property Intelligence – a powerful and proprietary AI that can analyze any property or portfolio, at scale, to produce valuable insights tailored to the needs of all businesses. Enterprises can now extract even more value from their digital twins by leveraging Property Intelligence insights to improve business operations and enhance customer experiences that accelerate their business.

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Matterport’s Property Intelligence is a scalable and effective alternative to the manual evaluation and in-person assessments businesses perform today. Property Intelligence opens a universe of new opportunities for customers to leverage analytics to grow their businesses with reliable and highly accurate insights. 

Matterport Property Intelligence helped create a new category that was highlighted in Airbnb’s 2022 Winter Release. The platform leveraged the technology in a first-of-its-kind partnership to analyze and verify a collection of Airbnb homes to ensure they met accessibility standards for guests with mobility needs. The collection, called Adapted, features listings that have step-free entrances to the home and to one or more bedrooms and bathrooms, in addition to at least one accessibility feature in the bathroom.

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Property Intelligence is a breakthrough technology available exclusively through Matterport’s digital twin platform. Matterport’s powerful real estate AI automatically transforms digital twins into powerful insights at scale and performs a number of tasks including identifying the type, location and number of objects such as chairs or light fixtures; measuring the width of a doorframe or square footage of a room; and assessing the type and condition of property elements like wood or tile.

These insights help customers answer an endless variety of business critical questions, reducing the time it takes to get hands-on analytics from hours to minutes, and in many cases, generating insights that were previously unattainable. Across a broad range of use cases for Property Intelligence, a few examples of what customers can do include:

  • Visualize the location of equipment and guiding personnel through a site with wayfinding;

  • Predict and optimize staffing required to operate and maintain facilities; 

  • Accurately assess the condition and quality of globally dispersed real estate portfolios

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Offering Property Intelligence as part of our industry-leading digital twin platform marks a significant milestone in the industry and is a capability only Matterport can provide. We're currently piloting Property Intelligence with select customers and expect to reach general availability in the first half of 2023. Customers who are interested in learning more can contact us at


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