Learn about the historical and contemporary works of Brazilian artists in Galeria Estação
Brasil 3D Realidade Virtual uses Matterport to increase the visibility of non-scholar art collections to a global audience
Inaugurated in 2004, Galeria Estação is distinguished for its inclusion of historical and contemporary non-scholar Brazilian art. Located in São Paulo, Brasil 3D Realidade Virtual used Matterport to capture a digital twin of the gallery to showcase its dynamic works. We caught up with Mariana Lisboa Castro, Marketing and Sales Manager of the 3D studio, to learn more about the project and hear about their plans to expand beyond art galleries and museums.
What inspired the 3D capture of the Galeria Estação?
One of the most important collections in Brazil, Galeria Estação, inaugurated at the end of 2004, is renowned for revealing and promoting the production of non-scholar Brazilian art. The gallery was responsible for the inclusion of this language in the contemporary art scene by editing publications and holding individual and collective exhibitions within and outside the country.
The space manages to offer a historical and current panorama of a production that went beyond the limits of popular art, while investigating names that, regardless of background, work with elements from the same source.
What are the “must-sees” you want visitors to explore and why?
Galeria Estação has works by well-known autodidacts from various regions of Brazil, such as Agostinho Batista de Freitas, Alcides dos Santos, Amadeo Luciano Lorenzato, Artur Pereira, Aurelino dos Santos, Chico Tabibuia, Cicero Alves dos Santos-Véio, GTO, Gilvan Samico, Itamar Julião, João Cosmo Felix-Nino, José Antônio da Silva, José Bezerra, Manuel Graciano, Maria Auxiliadora, Mirian Inês da Silva, Neves Torres, among others.
Currently, the gallery has also been adding to its cast artists from the contemporary artistic circuit whose works dialogue with non-erudite creation, such as José Bernnô, Germana Monte-Mór, Moisés Patrício, Santídio Pereira, and Lilian Camelli.
In addition to bringing potentially interested parties closer to our works, our intention is for the visitor to have a positive and pleasant experience through a fun, 3D navigation of virtual exhibitions. The 3D tours make these spaces accessible to people as if they were actually visiting, allowing a greater understanding of the gallery and, consequently, of the works of art.
What are the benefits of Matterport digital twins?
Matterport digital twins allow visitors to navigate fluidly and interactively, allowing them to enjoy a truly immersive experience anytime, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. They can interact with the space by clicking on Mattertags attached to objects which helps us to pass along more information about the work and its artist.
With fully responsive technology, the art can be viewed on computers, tablets, mobile devices, and virtual reality headsets. From a commercial point of view, the space can be accessed by millions of people from all over the world and tell its history. Online virtual exhibitions are recognized as important complementary counterparts to its physical ones. It overcomes the constraints of space, time, and location and allows global visitors to access these priceless and exciting treasures that are stored in galleries and museums.
Do you have plans to capture more 3D experiences?
We already see how Matterport improves the production process in conventional art galleries and greatly facilitates interactions between viewers and collections here in Brazil, so we are excited to expand into the industrial and Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sectors. Matterport digital twins provide users with a range of remote applications that contribute to the operational and technical efficiencies of teams. For example, they can plan future projects with greater confidence with accurate and immersive replicas of sites and use digital twins for field documentation, Building Information Management (BIM) and more. All of this reduces time and costs.