Arup Moves Projects Forward Using Virtual Collaboration in 3D Spaces

With Matterport, Arup is making BIM smarter, importing point clouds for design and validation in modeling software.

Global engineering and consulting firm Arup was founded in 1946 by Ove Arup, a gifted engineer-philosopher. Today the firm chooses work where they can shape a better world, stretch the boundaries of what is possible, and delight clients.

Research and insight are central to the firm’s analysis-led design approach for the construction of all types, including the refurbishment of existing buildings.

Matterport 3D models help Arup model smarter.

The firm’s documentation and building information modeling (BIM) approaches have evolved over the years. In 2017, the firm began using Matterport 3D models to more quickly and efficiently document as-built environments and construction progression. With Matterport, Arup is making BIM smarter, importing point clouds for design and validation in modeling software.

Arup drives client engagement with 3D technology.

Farbod Mehr, a senior technology consultant in Arup’s Los Angeles office, explains 3D capture is key to the firm’s growth. “We began using Matterport to give our engineers and designers a more effective way to engage with clients, contractors, and one another,” Mehr said. “After scanning the space, we annotate and share punch-lists from the Matterport Cloud, eliminating the need for 10-15 people to attend site surveys.”

Thanks to construction progression documentation with Matterport, Arup project leads are identifying and addressing issues earlier than ever before.

Arup prepares tenants with 3D insights for wayfinding and operational readiness.

Sharing ideas across disciplines is key to Arup’s innovative design-led approach. Once Mehr learned of his colleague's success using 3D capture for documentation, modeling, and validation, he felt inspired to extend the firm’s use of 3D modeling into wayfinding and operational readiness.

The City of Long Beach partnered with Arup to design its new, modern civic center in the heart of downtown. After scanning the new civic center, the City of Long Beach shared the Matterport 3D model with employees, enabling leaders to virtually walk through the space before opening to the public.

Mehr credits Matterport 3D models with providing answers to questions that arise before tenants occupy a new or refurbished space: Where are the security screening lines located? Which elevators require protocols? What is the size and function of a video wall? Which doors operate as the main entrance?

“Sharing the Matterport 3D model with employees or tenants of a space ensures they are operationally ready to occupy and operate the space from day one,” Mehr said.

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