3rd Annual Matterport Cares Week: How Matterpeeps Positively Change Their Communities

Learn about the upcoming 3rd annual Matterport Cares Week, an opportunity for employees to have a positive impact on their communities.

Caring for the community is built into Matterport’s DNA. It’s a part of who we are and why we do what we do.

To emphasize this and add to our year-round initiatives, this month marks the 3rd anniversary of Matterport Cares Week, a full week dedicated to highlighting and helping organizations in need. We do this so our employees have clear and easy opportunities to serve. Read on to learn more about what this week will look like and how Matterpeeps can get involved!

What Is Matterport Cares Week?

Matterport Cares is our company’s volunteerism and donation program designed to support causes employees care most about. As part of this program, Matterport Cares Week is a full week designed to give Matterpeeps the ability to take part in multiple types of community events, making a positive impact locally and around the world. It started in November 2022 and spanned six cities — Sunnyvale, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, London, and Tokyo — with 83 participants and 214 total volunteer hours. This initiative underscores Matterport’s commitment to corporate social responsibility and fostering a culture of giving among its employees. 

This year, the company-wide initiative will take place from July 15-20 and is dedicated to service in communities across the globe where team members are located. The specific activities and focus areas vary each year but generally include efforts like environmental cleanups, supporting local non-profits, and other community improvement projects. 

Matterport Cares Week offers several benefits to both our employees and the communities we serve.

Community Advantages

  • Improved community welfare: Local communities benefit directly from the volunteer efforts, including both local and national organizations.

  • Enhanced resources and services: Charitable activities often provide additional resources and services to community members, improving their quality of life and furthering their businesses.

  • Increased awareness: Highlighting specific causes and organizations can raise awareness and support for important community issues. 

Advantages for Our Team and Company

  • Team building: Participating in community service fosters teamwork and strengthens bonds among employees, enhancing collaboration and morale. 

  • Employee satisfaction: Engaging in meaningful activities can boost job satisfaction and pride in the company, leading to increased employee retention and happiness.

  • Skill development: Volunteering can provide opportunities for employees to develop new skills and gain experiences outside of their typical job roles.

  • Corporate reputation: Demonstrating a commitment to social responsibility proves to our customers and partners that we value and take part in ethical and community-focused business practices. And we practice what we preach.

  • Community relations: Building strong relationships with local communities can create goodwill and strengthen partnerships, fostering a supportive environment for business operations. 

Here’s what Matterport employees can expect for this year’s event. 

How Matterpeeps Can Get Involved

At Matterport, we’ve got team members all over the world. We want to give each person an opportunity to get involved and make a positive difference in and around their communities. To accomplish this, we’ve created a number of ways employees can participate:


This is ideal for someone who wants to volunteer on their own. It’s also a great option for anyone who has scheduling conflicts during company-sponsored events and/or wants to volunteer with their family or friends. 

Team/Work Group

This is great for two or more Matterpeeps who want to volunteer together. This is an option for work BFFs, ERG members, or workgroups located in the same city. We offer a team volunteer toolkit for suggestions on projects or events.


There are numerous partnerships that Matterport has with organizations that host existing projects and service opportunities. If a group of Matterpeeps wants to get involved in their specific area or if one employee is looking for ways to volunteer outside of other individual activities, they can plan to participate in a service project in one of the following cities:

  • Austin

  • Fort Lauderdale

  • Orlando

  • DMV

  • NYC

  • Chicago

  • Seattle

  • Denver

  • Lawrence

  • San Francisco

  • Sunnyvale

  • San Jose

  • London

  • Singapore 


Matterpeeps will volunteer via Zoom to provide career readiness and mentoring to students with an organization called SuitUP. This is a beneficial option if team members aren’t in one of the cities where company-sponsored events are held or if their schedules don’t make other activities possible. 

Capture for a Cause: Using Matterport’s Unique Offering for Good

A brand-new way for Matterport team members to participate in Matterport Cares Week is through Capture for a Cause. This initiative allows our team to scan their favorite charities for free, and then we double the match for hours spent and donate it to that charity. 

Ultimately, Capture for a Cause encourages Matterpeeps to support causes that are most meaningful to them — whether that be a specific food bank, children’s hospital, American Red Cross branch, or any other non-profit or charitable organization that’s close to the Matterpeep’s heart.

Due to the nature of what we provide as a company, we have a unique opportunity to provide digital twin solutions that many organizations may not otherwise have access to. These scans can raise brand awareness, help train volunteers, provide proof of concept for donors, and deliver more holistic access to an organization’s services than ever before. 

Matterport’s Global Impact

Matterport’s impact stretches far beyond just this one week of service. Employee giving is a year-round initiative with special donation matches throughout the year and other events for people to get involved with, like Capture for a Cause. Through Matterport Cares Week and our other initiatives, our team can bring awareness to businesses and community members, providing them with what they need, whether that be a digital twin of their organization, an extra set of hands for a project, or financial support. 

Want to learn more about Matterport Cares Week and other opportunities that our Matterpeeps can take part in? Visit our website.

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