9 Surefire Ways to Sell More Houses Faster

The number of buyers has been outpacing sellers, and that’s expected to continue to be the case in 2018.  Just because it’s a seller's market, doesn’t mean it’s not a competitive landscape. With the right strategies, resources, and mindset, you have the opportunity to sell more houses and sell them faster and with fewer hurdles than ever before. We’ve compiled a list of the nine innovations and industry secrets you need to stand out in the marketplace and make 2018 your most profitable year yet.

1. Appeal to the growing Millennial audience.

Millennials aged 35 and younger make up 50% of today’s home buying audience. Most are first time home buyers, and their impact on the real estate market keeps growing. The best way to reach this key niche is with a strong online presence. They are accustomed to using technology and comfortable doing research online before they start working with an agent. They are highly influenced by the variety and quality of the visuals of a property online. You can expect they will demand both from any agent they select.

How to improve your chance of selling more houses:  Ensure your photography and video technology is producing clear and compelling images, and that you are marketing across every relevant online channel.

2. Give all buyers a realistic view of the homes.

Millennials aren’t the only people viewing homes online – 76% of home shoppers will drive by to see a home if the online photographs are compelling enough and 64% will stop in to explore. Add 3D photography and technology to your traditional 2D offerings to motivate your buyers intrinsically. 3D photos are great tools to help potential buyers to visualize objects, spaces and the environment. Adding a 3D marketing floor plan enables agents to give prospective buyers an even more dynamic and detailed way of engaging with the property.

How to improve your chance of selling more houses:  Add 3D visuals and blueprints to your traditional 2D photos to immerse potential buyers in realistic details of a space.

3. Show more houses to sell more houses.

This suggestion sounds simple, but the reality is we’re constrained by time and space. By integrating guided virtual tours to in-person home tours, you free yourself from the restrictive traditional Sunday Open House. Buyers are busy. They may also be trying to buy a home in a remote location. And we already ascertained they are starting their search online. It’s no surprise that properties featured with virtual tours get 95% more phone inquiries, 65% more email inquiries and 49% more qualified leads.

How to improve your chance of selling more houses:  Incorporate virtual tours with the 2D and 3D photography you’re already producing with Matterport for a simple, cost-effective way of freeing yourself to show more details of more houses – with less time expenditure.

4. Make 3D easy.

Prospective buyers need a simple navigation option for viewing images online. Even if you are using 3D photography, if you aren’t applying the latest technology, your investment could be wasted if the visuals are too difficult to discern. With Matterport’s Floor Plan Navigation of your Matterport VR Spaces, buyers will be guided through each floor and room with seamless navigation.  

How to improve your chance of selling more houses:  Update to the latest version of the Matterport VR app for iOS, Android and GearVR. You’ll get Floor Plan Navigation for all Matterport VR Spaces and a prompt to update any previously downloaded VR Space. Any new VR Spaces will automatically include a floor plan. Learn how to incorporate the new Floor Plan Navigation here.

5. Personalize each visual experience.

Every prospective buyer is a segment of one. Personalization is the norm, with just about every selling platform serving up offerings consumers may like based on their other preferences. Even the highest quality visuals and virtual tours can’t make someone feel like your most valued client. But Mattertags can. Mattertags combine the immersive experience of visiting a 3D Space with the incorporation of the multimedia formats that make up the modern web. They give you the power to offer unique details and recommendations inside a space or neighborhood, tailored for the client. You can draw buyer’s attention to details using audio narration – as if you were standing next to them in the room.

How to improve your chance of selling more houses:  Use Mattertag™ Posts to build a wide variety of content inside a Matterport model, including images, audio, videos, documents, Google Maps / Street View, slide presentations, polls, other Matterport model, and even embedded product pages from sites like Amazon.

6. Maximize your reach.  

Building a comprehensive marketing package for a single property traditionally has been an incredibly time-consuming endeavor. By employing an all-in-one photography and media solution, you can create a complete marketing package with a singe shoot. You’ll spend less time putting the package together, share it to all of the most important platforms with a single effort, and provide greater variety in the marketing experience. Ultimately, you save money by improving your operations and by improving your marketing outreach – and you do it faster than ever before.

How to improve your chance of selling more houses:  In as little as two hours, a single Matterport scan can generate high-definition 2D photography (up to 36MP), media-rich 3D walkthroughs, black-and-white floor plans, video-like guided tours and immersive virtual reality experiences, all of which are available for downloading, sharing on social media, and viewing on a mobile-friendly platform. With Matterport Spaces, you can utilize all the technology we included above and easily share the home with your buyers from their phone, tablets or computers.

Learn more about how including 360 tours in an SEO strategy helps real estate agents promote their services in a dense market.

7. Help home buyers find you on Facebook.

Top-producing real estate agents and brokerages use Facebook to grow their network, build buzz for open houses, and win more listings. Facebook provides the most inexpensive targeting options to reach the audiences you think would be most interested in the home. The opportunities are endless with campaigns that can pull from your current network, create lookalike audiences to reach more people, charge you only based on conversions and more.

How to improve your chance of selling more houses:  Create a business page and targeted paid campaign to close more deals and attract more new clients.

8. Use YouTube.

You know that social media channels can expand your audience. Did you know that YouTube ranks second (behind Google) as a search engine? More than 400 hours of video content are uploaded to YouTube every minute and more than a billion hours of content are consumed on the platform every single day.

How to improve your chance of selling more houses:  If you aren’t already, start to use YouTube. You’ll tap into a vast audience of online video consumers with incredible 3D images and experiential videos that you can position with some simple SEO and cross-marketing.

9. Nurture relationships online.

Even if you have provided all the information and the best visuals possible, some buyers may still be hesitant to make an offer. Instead of letting prospects fall through the cracks or spending countless hours following up, use retargeting. While the buyers are working toward their decision, you can deliver helpful information on the house they viewed or on additional houses that might appeal.

How to improve your chance of selling more houses:  Use Facebook or Google for retargeting ads. By installing a pixel in your website, your ad will be delivered to either a Google or Facebook user who has visited your website.

All the suggestions we have provided are within your grasp and proven to improve sales. Most cost the same or less than traditional methods. Matterport makes it possible to get more 3D technology, video, VR, and marketing reach from a single, user-friendly, affordable resource.

Sell homes faster! Contact us to learn more about the best Matterport Solutions.

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