Kraftvolle Präzision

Kraftvolle Präzision.

Die Cortex-KI von Matterport wurde auf Millionen realer Räume trainiert und verarbeitet alle visuellen und räumlichen Daten Ihres Scans in einen unglaublich genauen und immersiven digitalen 3D-Zwilling.
Vereinfachung durch Automatisierung

Vereinfachung durch Automatisierung.

Cortex AI automatisiert viele Schritte im Modellerstellungsprozess, einschließlich der Unschärfe von Gesichtern bei Bedarf, der Auswahl der besten Bilder aus Ihren Scans, der Erstellung präziser Messungen und der Identifizierung verschiedener Objekte.
Sobald Sie mit dem Scannen fertig sind, können Sie sich mit Cortex AI zurücklehnen und darauf warten, dass Ihr fertiges 3D-Modell gerendert wird.

A Competitive Edge in Recruitment

Office collab

Offering 3D tours as part of your real estate marketing strategy can also serve as a powerful recruitment tool. Teams that provide cutting-edge marketing solutions, such as Matterport 3D tours, are more likely to attract and retain top talent. Agents are drawn to innovative teams that invest in the latest technology to enhance their listings and streamline their workflow. By integrating Matterport capture into your offerings, you not only improve your marketing capabilities but also position your team as a leader in the industry, making it an attractive option for ambitious real estate professionals.

Incorporating Matterport capture into your real estate team's offerings will revolutionize your marketing strategy. The convenience, accessibility, consistency, and trust provided by DIY 3D tour capture make it a valuable addition to any real estate toolkit. Furthermore, offering advanced marketing solutions like 3D tours can give you a competitive edge in attracting and retaining top talent. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your real estate marketing— experience the difference Matterport can make for your business with 3D capture at your fingertips.

Ready to take your real estate marketing to the next level? Get started with Matterport and see how easy and affordable it is to bring 3D tour capture in-house. Learn More