14 Real Estate Marketing Materials to Help You Get More Leads in 2024

Buckle up as we dive into the world of powerful real estate marketing materials that span across traditional print formats to digital media, and hold the promise of taking your real estate career to new heights.

How the right marketing materials can turbocharge your real estate business

The right marketing materials can help you win more listings, find the perfect buyer more quickly, and maximize your sales - all while saving you time and money.  

Stand out from the competition and win more property listings

Demonstrate that you’re at the cutting edge of property marketing by showcasing each listing that you’ve earned with exceptional quality and professionalism through a solution like Matterport’s Digital Pro. This comprehensive marketing package is bound to help you impress the sellers you’re working with, who’ll remember you for future listings and talk you up to anyone looking for an agent.

Find the perfect buyer more quickly

The Digital Pro’s lineup of engaging assets, such as a 3D tour, high-quality photos, marketing floor plan, and intro video can help you increase your reach and attract more qualified buyers. The immersive virtual tour can help potential buyers envision themselves in the space and a marketing floor plan will give them a feel for the layout – all without even physically being there. Not only do you broaden who can preview the property, but you also reduce the need for multiple in-person visits, shortening the time it takes to match the property with its next owner.

Maximize your sales while saving time and money

Turnkey property marketing solutions like Matterport's Digital Pro will help you make more money at the end of the day by giving you an affordable and efficient way to get the scroll-stopping content you need to catch the attention of qualified buyers across all your marketing channels and materials, digital or otherwise.

14 must-have marketing materials for real estate agents

In today's dynamic real estate industry, it's crucial for agents and realtors to harness the power of both digital and traditional marketing strategies for their property listings. And with Matterport's Digital Pro, real estate professionals can get all the assets they need to make high-quality marketing materials at an affordable price.

Digital real estate marketing materials

The best real estate professionals, whether working with residential or commercial properties, can enhance their online presence with:



Best Practices



Increased visibility online

Information hub for clients

Make it easy to navigate

Make it mobile-friendly

Use high-quality visuals

Site: Wix, Squarespace, Wordpress

Analytics: Google Analytics

SEO: SEMrush, Moz

Social media

Wider reach

Client interactions/ networking 

Pick the right platform

Engage with the community

Visuals: Matterport Digital Pro

Posting: Buffer, Hootsuite, Later

Analytics: Sprout Social


Lead nurturing

Client relationship building

Segment your email list

Conduct A/B testing

Email: Mailchimp, Constant Contact

Analytics: Google Analytics


Increased engagement


Invest in quality cameras

Stage the property

Optimize lighting

Cameras: Matterport lineup

Post-production: Digital Pro

3D tours

Realistic/immersive experience

Time & cost savings

Use high-res cameras

Use tags and measurements

Matterport Digital Pro

Online ads

Targeted reach

Measurable results

Use high-res graphics/video

Include a clear call-to-action

Visuals: Matterport Digital Pro

Ads: Google, Facebook, LinkedIn

Design: Adobe, Canva

1. Property listing websites

A professionally built real estate website is your business hub online.


A well-designed website improves your online visibility, making it easier for clients to find your listings and get more information.

Best practices 

Organize your content into clear categories and incorporate a search function to make your site easy to navigate. Use high-quality visuals, photos, and videos on landing pages to engage visitors, and ensure your website is mobile-friendly, and able to adjust seamlessly to different devices.


2. Social media profiles

Creating and maintaining social media profiles will broaden your reach.


Social media platforms provide an opportunity to showcase your listings to a larger audience. Plus, social media allows for client and colleague interactions, fostering relationships and encouraging feedback.

Best practices

Choose the right platforms that align with your target audience, and engage with your community, making regular social media posts with high-quality images and videos, while responding to comments and messages.


3. Newsletters for email marketing

Email marketing allows you to maintain consistent communication with prospective clients.


Regular communication through email helps with lead nurturing, keeping you top of mind. And even after a sale has closed, newsletters can strengthen client relationships when you share valuable insights, infographics, and property updates.

Best practices

Segment your email list and personalize your emails for each group, addressing their unique needs and interests. Then use A/B testing, analyzing changes in open and click-through rates based on various subject lines, visuals, or content to improve performance


4. High-quality photos and videos

Captivating visuals are a must for all your real estate marketing materials.


Real estate is inherently visual, so it stands to reason that visual real estate marketing tools can win more listings from sellers and increase engagement from potential buyers.

Best practices

Invest in quality camera equipment, such as Matterport’s range of offerings from the budget-friendly mobile phone option to the premium Pro3 with advanced LiDAR capabilities. Be sure to follow key steps when planning a shoot.


Digital Pro
Digital Pro

5. 3D virtual tours

3D realty tours, based on Matterport's digital twin technology, have become increasingly popular.


Virtual tours benefit real estate buyers or commercial space lessees by offering a realistic and immersive experience of a property, regardless of their location and schedule. This helps save time and money by reducing the number of dead-end tours and allowing potential buyers and tenants to self-screen based on the virtual tour, resulting in a more efficient and profitable sales process.

Best practices

Choose to create a 3D tour yourself using one of the many Matterport camera options, or hire a Matterport Capture Service professional to do it for you. Place scanning points in the center of each room to optimize both the touring experience and the photos you’ll want to get. And if you're looking for an all-in-one solution, consider using Digital Pro.


  • 3D tour and digital twin creation platform like Matterport

6. Online ads

Eye-catching online real estate marketing display and video ads can be used to connect with the perfect buyer.


Online advertising allows you to reach target audiences based on their location and interests. What’s also valuable is that you can measure and optimize the results of your marketing efforts with analytics.

Best practices

Design ads with high-resolution graphics and videos to make people want to interact with them. Encourage people to do something with a clear call-to-action like immersing into a 3D virtual tour or contacting you.


Print real estate marketing materials

Despite the rise of digital marketing, the following print marketing materials remain important:



Best Practices


Business cards

Convenient & portable


Include contact details/URL

Use premium card stock

Align with your branding

Design: Canva, Adobe

Print: Fedex, Vistaprint, MOO

Listing flyers

Quick, cost-effective snapshot

Use Matterport flyer templates

Visuals: Matterport Digital Pro

Design: Matterport templates

Print: Fedex, Vistaprint, MOO


Comprehensive overview

Use high-quality materials

Use professional-grade visuals

Visuals: Matterport Digital Pro

Design: Canva, Illustrator, InDesign

Print: Fedex, Vistaprint, MOO


Organized first impression

Versatile for different settings

Opt for functional design

Align with your branding

Visuals: Matterport Digital Pro

Design: Canva, Illustrator, InDesign

Print: Fedex, Vistaprint, MOO


Targeted reach

Quick & portable

Segment your mailing list

Keep your mailing list up-to-date

Photos: Matterport Digital Pro

Design: Canva, Illustrator, InDesign

Print: Fedex, Vistaprint, MOO

Property signs

Local reach

Place in high foot/car traffic areas

Use weather-resistant materials

Design: Canva, Illustrator, InDesign

Print: Fedex, Vistaprint, MOO

Promo items

Versatile for different settings

& occasions

Choose items that can be useful

Providers: Custom Ink, 4imprint

Print ads

Grow reach beyond online

Pick the right pubs/placements

Use informative copy

Use high-quality images

Visuals: Matterport Digital Pro

Design: Canva, Illustrator, InDesign 

7. Business cards

Business cards are a legacy from professional networking, and they still work today!


Real estate business cards offer a convenient way to give out your contact information for follow-ups – and high-quality business cards add a dose of professionalism across your interactions; their primary purpose.

Best practices

Include key contact details like your phone number with the website URL. Impress recipients with premium cardstock and use a business card template that sticks to your organization’s branding (colors, fonts, logos).


8. Property listing presentation flyers

Flyers are an important way for agents to win even more listings.


Real estate flyers can provide a quick, cost-effective snapshot of a property's features and details, making them an efficient tool for showcasing a property to potential buyers.

Best practices

Impress your clients by using one of Matterport’s flyer templates, starting with high-quality images from Digital Pro to showcase the property's key features. Make sure to pick a color scheme that reinforces your brokerage’s brand identity, and that your contact information is easy to find and legible.


9. Brochures

Real estate brochures help to deliver more information in one go.


Real estate brochures can pack a lot of detailed and comprehensive information about the properties and services that you can offer.

Best practices

Print your brochure on high-quality materials, such as thick paper and glossy stock so that it looks professional and will likely be kept. Include professionally produced visuals to make them even more interesting and always (always!) proofread content before printing.


10. Real estate presentation folders

Folders let people store documents and marketing materials in one physical place.


Classy real estate presentation folders give a polished and organized first impression and work well for different situations, ranging from client meetings to open houses and networking events.

Best practices

Opt for a functional design that includes slits for business cards and pockets for a brochure or flyer, and make sure all the real estate materials look good together - ensuring your presentation folders and its contents align with your real estate business branding strategy.


11. Postcards

Postcards and other direct mailers can complement your online pieces.


Real estate postcards offer targeted reach, by neighborhood, for instance - and offer a quick and portable way to promote new listings, open houses, and recently sold properties.

Best practices

Segment your mailing list by location or property type, and double-check that your mailing list is up-to-date before stamping postcards. 


12. Property signage

41% of buyers say they use yard signs when looking for their next home.


Signs help you reach potential clients in specific neighborhoods or areas.

Best practices

Signs placed in areas with high foot or car traffic translate into better visibility. Make those signs out of weather-resistant materials to ensure it remains standing in a harsh climate.


13. Branded promotional materials

Branded tchotchkes or swag can serve as a delightful reminder of a real estate agent’s personal brand.


Branded real estate merchandise can increase your exposure at different settings, from trade shows to open houses, and work well for different occasions like thanking a client.

Best practices

Pick promotional items that are useful for the property buying process, such as branded notebooks to write down information, and keychains (especially when they close!).


14. Print ads

Ads placed in local newspapers and magazines can help reach more people in a specific neighborhood or area.


Print ads can further your reach with audiences that may not be as active online.  

Best practices

Draft off what you may have used in your digital advertising programs (or vice versa), such as informative copy and high-quality images.  Choose relevant publications that your target market engages with, and pick strategic placements - say, in the lifestyle section).


Grow your real estate marketing with Matterport’s Digital Pro

The Digital Pro is revolutionizing the way real estate professionals create the best marketing materials for their properties. In fact, properties marketed with 3D tours receive 95% more calls than those without. 

So, whether you're marketing commercial or residential real estate, Matterport's Digital Pro package offers an affordable, all-in-one solution for all your marketing visual needs, including a 3D tour, (25) HDR  photos, a 2D floor plan, and an intro video.

Let’s take a look at how each of these components can take your real estate business to the next level.

Capture interest with enhanced photography

High-quality photography is an excellent way for realtors to showcase their properties. By partnering with Matterport, real estate professionals can create visually stunning images for their marketing materials without having to hire a separate photographer. 

Win more property listings and close more deals with a 3D tour

Creating a 3D tour for your property has never been easier, thanks to the Matterport app which works with any iOS and Android device, or if you want, leave everything in the hands of a technician who’s been vetted and trained through Matterport’s Capture Services.

With a 3D virtual tour, you can now:

  • Offer 3D virtual tours from anywhere, at anytime

3D virtual tours give potential home and property lessors control over how they want to navigate a space, from wherever they might be, and at their leisure.

  • Give guided tours to curate the viewer experience

If you have a specific story you want to tell about a property, the 3D tour comes with a feature called Story mode that allows you to curate the presentation, adding on-screen titles and descriptions at certain tour stops to convey that story.

  • Call out important details with tags

Real estate professionals can also add helpful tags to their Matterport space to communicate valuable information. For example, a residential real estate agent can tag appliance brands or recent updates while a commercial real estate agent can tag amenities such as hot desk locations and signage opportunities.

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  • Share accurate dimensions

3D tours even come with a measurement tool that can provide dimensions for walls, doorways, windows, and other features within the property.

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  • Capture people’s imaginations with virtual staging

With virtual staging, digital content such as furniture and decor can be added to a physical space, transforming an otherwise empty place into a warm home or welcoming office.

  • Get found on Google Street View

By embedding a digital twin into Google Street View, potential buyers or renters can get a better sense of a property's surrounding location, including nearby amenities and transportation.

Illustrate the layout with a floorplan

Digital Pro comes with a schematic floor plan so that people can get an easy-to-read visual of the property's layout. It can also be used in marketing materials, such as brochures and flyers, to paint a more complete picture of the property.

Real estate marketing materials blog image 4

Boost your reach using video

Last but not least, Digital Pro also develops a short preview video of your real estate listing, which can be especially useful for social media marketing, especially on video-centric platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram.


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